Libri di Stephen King
- Carrie
- 'Salem's lot
- The shining
- Night shift
- The stand
- The dead zone
- Firestarter
- The mist
- Danse macabre*
- Cujo
- The gunslinger
- The Bachman books (Rage, The long walk, Roadwork, The running man)
- Different seasons
- Christine

- Pet sematary
- Cycle of the werewolf*
- The talisman (with P. Straub)
- Thinner
- Skeleton crew
- Silver bullet
- It
- The eyes of the dragon
- The drawing of the three

- Misery
- The tommyknockers

- The dark half
- My pretty pony
- Four past midnight
- The waste lands

- Needful things
- Gerald's game
- Dolores Claiborne
- Nightmares and dreamscapes

- Insomnia
- Rose Madder
- The green mile
- Desperation
- The regulators
- Wizard and glass
- Bag of bones
- Storm of the century
- The girl who loved Tom Gordon
- Hearts in Atlantis
- On writing
- Dreamcatcher

- Black House (with P. Straub)
- Everything's eventual

- From a Buick 8
- Wolfes of the callas
- Song of Susannah
- The dark tower
- The Colorado kid
- Cell
- Lisey's story
- Blaze
- Duma key

- Just after sunset
- Stephen King goes to the movies
- Under the dome
- Full dark, no stars
- 11.22.63
- The wind through the keyhole

- Joyland
- Doctor sleep
- Mr. Mercedes
- Revival
- Finders keepers
- The bazaar of bad dreams

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