Libri di Philip K. Dick
- Solar lottery
- The world Jones made
- The man who japed
- A glass of darkness
- Eye in the sky
- Dr. Futurity
- Time out of joint
- Vulcan's hammer
- The man in high castle
- The game-players of Titano
- The simulacra
- Martian time-slip
- Clans of the alphane moon
- The penultimate truth
- The three stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
- Dr. Bloodmoney
- The unteleported man
- Cantata-140 (The crack in space)
- Now wait for last year
- The Ganimede takeover (with R.F. Nelson)
- The zap gun
- Counter-clock world
- Do androids dream of electric sheep?
- Galactic pot-heater
- Ubik
- Our friends from Frolix 8
- A maze of death
- We can build you
- Flow my tears, the policeman said
- Confessions of a crap artist
- Deus irae (with R. Zelazny)
- The cosmic puppets
- A scanner darkly
- The divine invasion
- Valis
- The transmigration of Timothy Archer
- Lies, Inc.
- The man whose teeth were all exactly alike
- Puttering about in a small land
- Radio free Albemuth
- Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
- Mary and the giant
- I hope I shall arrive soon
- Gather yourselves together
- The broken bubble
- The dark-haired girl
- In pursuit of Valis
- In Milton Lumky territory
- Nick and the Glimmung
- The short happy of the brown Oxford
- Second variety
- The minority report
- We can remember it for you wholesale
- The eye of the sibyl

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