Libri di Samuel R. Delany
- The jewels of Aptor
- The fall of the towers
- The ballad of Beta-2
- Babel-17
- Empire star
- The Einstein intersection
- Nova
- Equinox
- Hogg
- Dhalgren
- Empire
- Trouble on Triton
- Distant star
- Aye, and Gomorrah
- Tales of Neveryon
- Neveryona
- Stars in my pocket like grains of sand
- Flight from Neveryon
- The bridge of lost desire
- They fly at Ciron
- The mad man
- Atlantis: three tales
- Bread and wine
- Phallos
- Dark reflections
- The jewel-hinged jaw
- The american shore
- Starboard wine
- Heavenly breakfast
- The motion of light in water
- The straits of Messina
- Silent interviews
- Longer views
- Shorter views
- Times square red, Times square blue
- 1984
- About writing
- Through the valley of the nest of spiders

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