Fabrizio BIANCHI


Università di Pisa

Master in Mathematics - Geometria e Analisi Complessa (Complex analysis and Geometry) - 2024-2025 - Primo Semestre

First year Bachelor in Informatics - Analisi matematica C - 2024-2025

First year "Tecniche per la Meccanica e la Produzione" (Ingegneria) - Matematica - 2024-2025

Master in Mathematics - Dinamica olomorfa (Holomorphic dynamics) - 2023-2024 - Primo Semestre

First year Bachelor in Informatics - Analisi matematica C - 2023-2024

Université de Lille

M2 recherche - Théorie ergodique, théorie des courants et dynamique holomorphe - 2020-2021 - Semestre 2

Islamabad University, Lahore Campus

Master, 1st and 2nd year - Differential Geometry - 2021-2022 - Term 2

Master, 1st and 2nd year - Functional analysis Analysis (exercise classes) - 2020-2021 - Term 2

Master, 1st and 2nd year - Mathematical Analysis (exercise classes) - 2020-2021 - Term 1

Master, 1st year - Differential Geometry - 2019-2020 - Term 1

Imperial College London

M3/4/5P60 - Geometric Complex Analysis - 2017-2018 - Term 2

M3/4/5PA50 - Introduction to Riemann surfaces and conformal dynamics - 2016-2017 - Term 2

Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

Mathématiques 1 - Analyse 1, L1 Sciences Fondamentales et appliquées - 2015-2016 - Semestre 1

Mathématiques, L1 Sciences Naturelles - 2014-2015 - Semestre 1

Option Mathématiques, L1 Sciences Naturelles - 2014- 2015 - Semestre 1