26 - 30 september 2011   Erice (Italy)

Tumours are highly dynamical diseases characterized by multiple scales ranging from molecular to macroscopic events. The complexity of the most recent clinical-genomic tumor-related data in the age of Molecular Medicine implies that biostatistics and even bioinformatics analyses are no more sufficient to cope with such data in order to explain them as well as to produce useful predictions.
Mechanistic models of biomedical phenomena with complex outputs must be built, in order to open the road for tailored therapies and to bridge the bench to the bedside.
This represents a huge challenge at the frontier of the contemporary mathematical modelling.
This workshop will gather top-level worldwide scientists, who work on the most advanced frontiers of mathematical oncologic sciences and who have a strong awareness of the biomedical problems, as well as some experimental and clinical scientists who, symmetrically, are particularly aware of (and trusting in) dynamics modelling in bio-medicine.

The Workshop will be held in Erice, Italy, at the "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture.

This is the 57th Workshop of the International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia", the first on Mathematical and Computational Oncology.

Here more scientific information on the aims of the workshop can be found..