F. Corni and V. Magnani.
Area of intrinsic graphs in homogeneous groups (ArXiv)
F. Corni and V. Magnani.
Symmetry results for the area formula in homogeneous groups (freely available until March 12, 2025)
J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 546, n.2, 129238, 17 pp., (2025).
V. Magnani and D. Tiberio.
The Michor-Mumford conjecture in Hilbertian H-type groups
J. Geom. Anal., vol. 35, n.3, 73, 24 pp., (2025)
S. Don and V. Magnani.
Surface measure on, and the local geometry of, sub-Riemannian manifolds
(freely available)
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 62, 254, 42 pp., (2023)
V. Magnani and D. Tiberio.
On the Michor-Mumford phenomenon in the infinite dimensional Heisenberg group
(freely available)
Rev. Mat. Complut., vol. 36, 973-989 (2023)
F. Corni and V. Magnani.
Area formula for regular submanifolds of low codimension in Heisenberg groups
Adv. Calc. Var. vol. 16, n.3, 665-688 (2023)
V. Magnani.
Rotational symmetries and spherical measure in homogeneous groups
(freely available)
J. Geom. Anal., vol. 32, 119, 31 pp., (2022)
G. M. Leccese and V. Magnani.
A study of measure-theoretic area formulas
(freely available)
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), vol. 201, n.3, 1505-1524, (2022)
V. Magnani and A. Minne.
Optimal Regularity of Solutions to No-Sign Obstacle-Type Problems
for the Sub-Laplacian
Anal. PDE, vol. 15, n.6, 1429-1456, (2022)
K. O. Idu, V. Magnani, F. P. Maiale.
Characterizations of k-rectifiability in homogenous groups
J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 500, n.2, 125120, 20 pp., (2021)
(postprint available)
V. Magnani and D. Tiberio.
A remark on vanishing geodesic distances in infinite dimensions
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 148, n.8, 3653-3656, (2020)
(postprint available)
V. Chousionis, V. Magnani and J.T. Tyson.
On uniform measures in the Heisenberg group
Adv. Math., vol. 363, 106980, 42 p., (2020)
(postprint available)
G.E. Comi and V. Magnani.
The Gauss-Green theorem in stratified groups
Adv. Math., vol. 360, 106916, 85 p., (2020)
(postprint available)
V. Magnani, A. Pinamonti and G. Speight.
Porosity and Differentiability of Lipschitz maps from stratified groups to Banach homogeneous groups
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), vol. 199, n.3, 1197-1220, (2020)
(postprint available)
V. Magnani.
Towards a theory of area in homogeneous groups
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 58, n.3, 91, 39 pp., (2019)
V. Magnani and D. Trevisan.
On Lipschitz vector fields and the Cauchy problem in homogeneous groups
Commun. Contemp. Math., vol. 20, n.5, 1750057, 21 pp., (2018)
V. Magnani, D. Trevisan and E. Stepanov.
A rough calculus approach to level sets in the Heisenberg group
J. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 97, n.3, 495-522, (2018)
V. Magnani.
Some remarks on densities in the Heisenberg group
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. vol. 42, n.1, 357-365, (2017)
V. Magnani and A. Zapadinskaya.
A Gromov's dimension comparison estimate for rectifiable sets
Selecta Math. (N.S.), vol. 23, n.2, 1153-1174, (2017)
V. Magnani.
A new differentiation, shape of the unit ball and perimeter measure
Indiana Univ. Math. J., vol. 66, n.1, 183-204, (2017)
V. Magnani and M. Scienza.
Regularity estimates for convex functions in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., vol. 32, n.3, 835-858, (2016)
V. Chousionis, V. Magnani, J. T. Tyson.
Removable sets for Lipschitz harmonic functions on Carnot groups
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 53, n.3-4, 755-780, (2015)
V. Magnani.
On a measure-theoretic area formula
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, vol. 145, 885-891, (2015)
V. Magnani, J. Malý and S. Mongodi.
A low rank property and nonexistence of higher dimensional horizontal Sobolev sets
J. Geom. Anal., vol. 25, n.3, 1444-1458, (2015)
L. Ambrosio, R. Ghezzi and V. Magnani.
BV functions and sets of finite perimeters in sub-Riemannian manifolds
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, vol. 32, n.3, 489-517, (2015)
V. Magnani, J. T. Tyson and D. Vittone.
On transversal submanifolds and their measure
J. Anal. Math., vol. 125, 319-351, (2015)
V. Magnani and T. Rajala.
Radon-Nikodym property and area formula for Banach homogeneous group targets
Int. Math. Res. Not., n.23, 6399-6430, (2014)
V. Magnani and M. Scienza.
Characterizations of differentiability for h-convex functions in stratified groups
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. 13, 675-697, (2014)
A. Bonfiglioli, E. Lanconelli, V. Magnani and M. Scienza.
H-convex distributions in stratified groups
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 141, n.10, 3633-3638, (2013)
V. Magnani.
Towards Differential Calculus in stratified groups
J. Aust. Math. Soc., vol. 95, n.1, 76-128, (2013)
R. Korte and V. Magnani.
Measure of curves in graded groups
Illinois J. Math., vol. 56, n.2, 353-366, (2012)
V. Magnani.
An area formula in metric spaces
Colloq. Math., vol. 124, 275-283, (2011)
G.P. Leonardi and V. Magnani.
Intersections of intrinsic submanifolds in the Heisenberg group
J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 378, n.1, 98-108, (2011)
V. Magnani.
Area implies coarea
Indiana Univ. Math. J., vol. 60, 77-100, (2011)
V. Magnani.
Contact equations, Lipschitz extensions and isoperimetric inequalities
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 39, 233-271, (2010)
E. Le Donne and V. Magnani.
Measure of submanifolds in the Engel group
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, vol. 26, n.1, 333-346, (2010)
V. Magnani.
Blow-up estimates at horizontal points and applications
J. Geom. Anal., vol. 20, n.3, 705-722, (2010)
V. Magnani.
Nonexistence of horizontal Sobolev surfaces in the Heisenberg group
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 138, 1785-1791, (2010)
V. Magnani.
Non-horizontal submanifolds and coarea formula
J. Anal. Math., vol. 106, 95-127, (2008)
V. Magnani and D. Vittone.
An intrinsic measure for submanifolds in stratified groups
J. Reine Angew. Math., vol. 619, 203-232, (2008)
V. Magnani.
Lipschitz continuity, Aleksandrov theorem and characterizations for H-convex
Math. Ann., vol. 334, n.1, 199-233, (2006)
V. Magnani.
Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure on stratified groups
J. Eur. Math. Soc., vol. 8, n.4, 585-609, (2006)
V. Magnani.
Blow-up of regular submanifolds in Heisenberg groups and applications
Cent. Eur. J. Math., vol. 4, n.1, 82-109, (2006)
V. Magnani.
Differentiability from representation formula and Sobolev-Poincarè inequality
Studia Math., vol. 168, n.3, 251-272, (2005)
V. Magnani.
The coarea formula for real-valued Lipschitz maps on stratified groups
Math. Nachr., vol. 278, n.14, 1689-1705, (2005)
V. Magnani.
Unrectifiability and rigidity in stratified groups
Arch. Math., vol. 83, n.6, 568-576, (2004)
V. Magnani.
Note on coarea formulae in the Heisenberg group
Publ. Mat., vol. 48, n.2, 409-422, (2004)
L. Ambrosio and V. Magnani.
Weak differentiability of BV functions on stratified groups
Math. Z., vol. 245, 123-153, (2003)
B. Kirchheim and V. Magnani.
A counterexample to metric differentiability
Proc. Ed. Math. Soc., vol. 46, 221-227, (2003)
V. Magnani.
A blow-up theorem for regular hypersurfaces on nilpotent groups
Manuscripta Math., vol. 110, n.1, 55-76, (2003)
V. Magnani.
On a general coarea inequality and applications
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., vol. 27, 121-140, (2002)
V. Magnani.
Differentiability and Area formula on stratified Lie groups
Houston J. Math., vol. 27, n.2, 297-323, (2001)
Expository papers
V. Magnani.
Lipschitz estimates for convex functions with respect to vector fields
Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar, Vol. 1 (2012) pp. 60-71
V. Magnani.
Spherical Hausdorff measure of submanifolds in Heisenberg groups
Ricerche Mat., vol. 54, n.2, 607-613 (2006)
V. Magnani.
Convexity in Carnot groups
Partielle Differentialgleichungen, pp 11-16, Oberwolfach, vol. 2. Report 33, (2005)