Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Metodi numerici per catene di
Docente: Beatrice Meini
Testi consigliati:
C.M. Grinstead, J.L. Snell, Introduction to probability , Chapter 11
- A. Berman, R.J., Plemmons, Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences. Revised reprint of the 1979 original. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
- D.A. Bini, G. Latouche, B. Meini, Numerical Methods for
Structured Markov Chains, Oxford University Press 2005
- L. Hogben, Handbook of linear algebra, CRC press 2007
- G. Latouche, V. Ramaswami, Introduction to Matrix Analytic
Methods in Stochastic Modeling, SIAM 1999
- W.J. Stewart, Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov
Chains. Princeton University Press, 1994
- R.S. Varga, Matrix iterative analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000
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